Friday, September 4, 2009

Random thoughts.

For the last two days I attended a "Leadership Retreat" at school, it was the beginning of a program I am in at school, basically we are like a planning committee, we plan and arrange the dances, and other events at school. Throughout the two days we really got to know each other, and a man came in and helped us with "team building". After only two days we're already like a family. I am really excited, apparently we are a small group this year, but in a way that's better because there will be less conflict, which is good. Yesterday, one of the girls there, Delaney, and I volunteered to call a bunch of businesses and ask if they were willing to do a discount for the people in the school so students can use their ID cards for discounts in different stores. Leadership should be fun.

I'm slowly building up my parents trust again, which is a good thing. They are allowing me to stay out a little bit later then normal, and are trusting me more with the people I hang out with, even though they don't exactly 100% know any of them, which is amazing, I am loving the trust and freedom.

Where has our summer been? With only four and a half days until school starts, we've barely had any really good weather this summer, it's either been way too hot, or cold and rainy. Also, there seems to be a ton of wildfires, whats up with this? I don't recall us ever having this many.

Friends. Why do groups fall apart so often? I mean, in grade eight, I went from a group of friends that had been falling apart and coming back together ever since grade 4 for some of us, I have stopped hanging out with those people because I was fighting way too much with most of them, then I switched to this other group, but that wasn't working out for me, because they were nothing like me, a few of them were just people who I'd been friends with for a while. Now, since some time during July, I've been hanging out with this completely different group. Every group I've been in has been really different. Maybe me switching groups was just me getting to know myself and truly learning more about my personal interests, who I clash with and who I really hit it off with. So far, I'm really happy with my newest group of friends :).

Quote of the day: What lies behind us, and what lies before us, are nothing compared to what lies within us.

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